HdBでの生活の楽しみはイベントだけではありません。日常生活も負けず劣らず充実しています! 今回は、誕生日だった女の子のために、サプライズパーティを開催しました。 「22時からダンスパーティの打ち合わせをするからロビーに来て」と嘘をつき、 その子をロビーにおびき寄せました。 そして、架空の打ち合わせの最中、いきなりロビーが真っ暗に! 「ハッピーバースデー」の音楽を流し、秘密で用意していたケーキを振る舞いました。 その子は、全く予想していなかったようで、とっても喜んでくれました。 このように、レジデントはイベントがない日も楽しく生活しています! Read more →
Monthly Archives: April 2015
HdB Sports Day 18th April
4/18 is HdB’s sports Day. The event lasted around 2-3 hours with an unforgettable memory. During the event, we held a kind of field game. In this game, we divided people in 3 groups; each group has 5-6 people. They say that once upon a time, there are 3 kinds of races, including human, orcs, and elves, in the world.… Read more →
Common meal 17th April
Life in HdB teaches you the importance of three things needed for a good life: good friends, good food and good songs. What really makes a good life great is the combination of these elements. The ritual of sitting down to share a delicious meal with friends happened once more, this time on April 17th, with the first Common Meal… Read more →
Welcome party 11th April 2015
GOOD MORNING, everyone! On April 11th, we held the welcome party for the new residents. I’m really happy that we could welcome twelve residents and more than 5 scholars. At the party, everyone enjoyed the food, drink, chatting with new people, and the introduction video of events. And finally, everyone became friends at last. … Read more →