Hdb´s Common Meal on January 15, 2016

This winter´s common meal attracted HdB residents from every floor as well as scholars and guests from exotic countries like Germany or even Spain. The expectations to the food were accordingly higher than Jack´s Beanstalk. Here´s what was made:Clarss surprised everyone by his fine skills on fried chicken, only equalled by those of his helper, Ko.Hanna and Oh gifted us some taste of Sweden by exploiting Kyoto´s Olive Oil reserves, dipped with some root-like vegetables. Rotknotfrukte she called it, I thinkEllen, accompanied by Naresh (who made a good job tasting all the half-done dishes, btw) went for some meat n´ salad, and they made it.I myself rode on a wave of over-self-confidence, caused by a fine German Christmas´s Dinner, so I multiplied all the ingredients and used half a day of my time to repeat that trick of making potato dumplings, or “Klöße”. Hadn´t it been for my helpers, the patient Rieko, the energetic Hidemi and the good-willing Sam, I would still be peeling potatoes. In the end, the sauce that went with it was not too bad.Michio and Chaki added two self-made cakes of extraordinary quality and deathly precise resemblance. Yummy.Also there was rice. And stew by housemum, if I remember correctly. After everyone had enjoyed plenty, tasty and plenty of food, we couldn´t wait for House Meeting to start. To everyone´s anger, it was the shortest in HdB´s (and maybe in Kyoto´s) history. All we discussed is how to celebrate the annoying Germans´ and Swiss´ moving out as often as possible. To calm down, an unexpected high rate of attendants joined the game that followed. To put it simply, this game, called “Werewolves”, is about accusing, lying, killing, eating people, and a bit of love.

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