Common meal 5

Blog article


The 5th common meal was held on 1.13.

The menu was here.

・Pumpkin soup: sweet and creamy soup. Suitable for such cold days!

・Kaiserschmarn mit Apfelkompott(パンケーキのアップルソース添え): traditional dish from Germany. It was first time for me Japanese to try it. The homemade apple souse was very good and felt taste of home in other country.

・Vegetarian chili: With good the texture of Lots of vegetable and beans. The seasoning was western style, but very go well with rice.

・Castella : Very popular semi-western cake in japan. The flavor was green tea. I love this cake

・Japanese soy stew: I made this dish. This dish was that I used to cook for my family. I rarely cook such amount of dish, so it was little bit difficult to decide the quantity and never tried to cut such amount of Chinese cabbage… thank you for my helper.


As usual, the office staff and house father made awesome dish, fried vegetable and Indian curry. For single life students, homemade dish is very grateful.


Thank you for cooks, helpers, office staff, and HP. We are looking forward to next common meal!


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